Vitamin d3 Dosis

Vitamin D3 dose

Oral vitamin D tablets


Oral Vitamin D tablets are used routinely to treat vitamin D deficiency. Endocrine Society recommends the amount of vitamin D that adults should consume daily to keep your 25 (OH) D serum mirror over 30 ng/ml. However, in several extensive clinical studies it was found that the daily doses are only met to a small extent. What is the right dose of the vitamin more about it

Dose vitamin D3

Dose of vitamin D3 What this is is explained below. Problems in compliance with the dosage were associated with gastric reflux, with the combination of vitamin D and calcium tablets, with gastrointestinal side effects, with the number of medication that a patient at the same time takes and with the patient's attitude to take vitamin D. Vitamin D Has a long half -life, which explains why it has a long -lasting effect on the body. Either becomes Vitamin D Vitamin D slowly releases in 25 (oh) D or fat and is slowly releasing over time. Ish-Shalom et al. found that the 25 (oh) D concentrations in the blood are the same, regardless of whether vitamin D is taken daily, weekly or monthly.

In week 12, the 25 (OH) D concentration only reached Ilahi et al. Vitamin D3 administered, a value of> 30 ng/ml. The PTH concentrations did not notice in this study. Find out how high the weekly dose of vitamin D3 is and how high the dose of vitamin D3 is.


Vitamin D3 oil

Only a few studies have examined the potential side effects of a high vitamin D dose. Vitamin D3 in vegetable oil solution and 200,000 IE vitamin D2 tablets led to vomiting in two subjects. In contrast, Rossini et al. For three subjects, an increase in numerous indicators for bone sales (connective tissue type 1, PASS N-Telopeptide and collagen type 1, pass C-telopeptide). The results of Rossini et al. however, were not statistically significant. A dose of 300,000 IE vitamin D3 corrected in two participants after six months of severe hypercalcaemia (> 10.76 mg/dl). There are reports on hypercalziuria that occurred within 12 weeks after taking 600,000 IE vitamin D3, as well as an increase in magnesium in urine three days after taking 600,000 IE vitamin D3. Hypercalciurie cases were not associated with serious health problems. Although the calcium and magnesium values ​​in serum were normal for these people, the clinical relevance of increased magnesium in the urine was also not apparent.

Too much vitamin D


An excessive vitamin D level, the so-called hypervitaminosis D, is a rare but potentially dangerous disease.

High vitamin D cans are the most common cause of vitamin D toxicity, not nutrition or sun damage. A vitamin D shortage can also occur if you consume enriched foods, since your body controls how much vitamin D is formed by solar radiation.


Side effect of vitamin D


A side effect of vitamin D deficiency is an accumulation of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), which can lead to nausea, vomiting, tiredness and frequent urination. It can lead to bone complaints and kidney complications, e.g. B. for the formation of calcium stones in the kidney. As part of the treatment, the inclusion of Vitamin D and calcium are restricted. Your doctor can also recommend intravenous liquid and medication such as corticosteroids or bisphosphonates.

A vitamin D toxicity was documented for several months after taking 60,000 global units (IU) per day. This vitamin D level is many times higher than the RDA value of 600 IE per day for most adults in the United States.


Rich in vitamin D


A vitamin D deficiency can be healed with higher doses than the RDA, but only under medical supervision for a certain period. A high vitamin D content requires careful monitoring of the blood level.

Before you take vitamin and mineral preparations, you should consult a doctor.

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