How dangerous a vitamin D deficiency is and how can it be diagnosed?

"Most people vitamin D associate with bone - children, it was administered in the form of fish oil to protect them from rickets and in television advertising, it is older people recommended to protect against osteoporosis, it has been found that this is not. is the only thing it is valuable. "
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D regulates the absorption of the minerals calcium and phosphorus, their content in the blood and their entry into the bone tissue and teeth. Together with vitamin A and calcium or phosphorus, it protects the body from colds, diabetes, eye and skin diseases. It also helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease in, helps fight osteoporosis and accelerate the healing of fractures.
The determination of the vitamin D level is used to: disorders of calcium metabolism to diagnose (in rickets, pregnancy, eating and digestive disorders, hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis). The vitamin D analysis is used for diagnosis of hypothyroidism and vitamin deficiency, as well as a number of chronic diseases which are associated with a deficiency of this substance in the body. The process belongs to the general clinical investigations.
Main symptoms of vitamin D deficiency / overdose

In case of overdose of vitamin D, the following symptoms are observed:
- weakness
- anorexia
- nausea
- constipation
- diarrhea
- Severe pain in the joints
- Headache and muscle pain
- fever
- high blood pressure
- cramps
- slow pulse
- Respiratory difficulty
- Development of osteoporosis
- Demineralization of bone
- Deposition of calcium salts in the organs, making them difficult to function
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
In the initial stage, the vitamin D deficiency manifests in the form of the following symptoms:
- anorexia
- insomnia
- Burning in the mouth and throat
- loss in weight
- blurred vision
Later, the development is observed from osteoporosis. And in children there are rickets, spine deformities, growth and developmental delays. We recommend taking
Vitamin D3 10000.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

A lack of vitamin D can even be detected with a saliva test with a simple blood test or. The conditions favoring a vitamin D deficiency are a lack of adequate and healthy sun exposure, increased skin pigmentation, age over 50 years, a low intake of vitamin D-rich foods and living in cold areas, in where the skin is exposed to the sun rarely. Initially, the lack of this vitamin shows no characteristic symptoms, but over time signs may occur such. B:
- Growth retardation in children;
- Curvature of the legs in children;
- Broadening of the extremities of the leg and arm bones;
- Delayed formation of deciduous teeth and tooth decay at an early age;
- Osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults;
- Weakness of the bones, making them easier to break, especially the bones of the spine, hips and legs;
- Pain in the muscles;
- Feeling of tiredness, weakness and malaise;
- Pain in the bones;
- Muscle spasms.
Fair-skinned people need about 20 minutes of sun exposure per day, while dark-skinned people at least 1 hour of direct sunlight without sunscreen in the early morning or late afternoon hours need.
Vitamin D3 30000 this can prevent.
How can you have a vitamin D deficiency notice?
The doctor may assume a vitamin D shortage in one person if he finds that they are not sufficiently exposed to the sun, always uses sunscreen and does not take vitamin D-rich foods. Osteopenia or osteoporosis is the suspicion of vitamin D deficiency. The diagnosis is provided by a blood test with the term 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and the reference values are:
- Heavy deficiency: less than 20 ng / ml;
- Lightweight defect: between 21 and 29 ng / ml;
- Suitable value: from 30 ng / ml.
This test can be arranged by your home or pediatrician who can judge whether you need to take a vitamin D preparation. Recommended options
Vitamin D3 20000 Or
Vitamin D3 20000.
When should you take vitamin D preparations?
The doctor can recommend the intake of vitamin D2 and D3 if the person lives in one place where sunlight is low and are difficult to access the vitamin D-rich food for the general population. In addition, supplementation can be installed for pregnant women and newborns up to one year, and when a vitamin D deficiency was detected. Supplementation in case of a defect should be done for one to two months, and after this period, the doctor may require a new blood analysis to determine if taking the supplement must be continued longer. It is dangerous to take too much vitamin D, as this can greatly increase the calcium levels in the blood, which in turn favors the breakdown of bones.