Warum Sie Vitamin D3 im Winter nicht vernachlässigen sollten

Why you shouldn't neglect vitamin D3 in winter

In the dark winter months, it is important to pay attention to sufficient vitamin D3 supply. Many people underestimate how important this vitamin is for our health. Vitamin D3 plays a crucial role for our immune system, bone health and even the mood. Unfortunately, in the winter months we cannot form enough vitamin D3 by sunlight. It is therefore advisable to include a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement, such as Future's Nutrition in the daily routine.

Why is vitamin D3 so important?

Vitamin D3 is a fat -soluble vitamin that fulfills a variety of functions in the body. It is not only important for the absorption of calcium and phosphate, but also has a major impact on our immune system. Vitamin D3 stimulates the production of antimicrobial proteins that can combat bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also regulates the activity of immune cells and thus prevents inflammation.

In addition, vitamin D3 plays a crucial role in bone health. It promotes the storage of calcium in the bones and thus prevents osteoporosis. Adequate vitamin D3 supply is very important, especially in old age, to avoid broken bones.

The latest research even indicates that vitamin D3 can also positively influence the mood. People with vitamin D3 deficiency suffer more often from depression. The reason for this is that vitamin D3 stimulates the production of happiness hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.

Why is the sun exposure in winter not enough?

In the summer months, we can fill up our vitamin D3 balance through the sun's rays. Our body can produce vitamin D3 itself when our skin is exposed to UV-B rays.

Unfortunately, things look different in winter. The UV-B radiation is significantly lower in the winter months, so that our body cannot produce enough vitamin D3 itself. In addition, many people spend less time outdoors during this time of year and often protect themselves from the cold with thick clothes.

Experts therefore recommend taking a vitamin D3 supplement in the winter months, such as Future's Nutrition. In this way you can maintain your vitamin D3 mirror and use the positive effects on your immune system, your bones and your mood.

How much vitamin D3 does the body need?

The recommended daily dose for vitamin D3 is 800 to 1,000 international units (I.E.) per day. However, recent studies show that this amount is not sufficient for many people to achieve an optimal vitamin D3 level in the blood.

Experts therefore recommend taking a higher dose of 2,000 to 4,000 i.e. vitamin D3 per day in winter. In particular, people with an increased risk of vitamin D3 deficiency, such as older people, overweight people or people with dark skin color, should consider a higher dose.

A high-quality vitamin D3 supplement like Future's Nutrition can help to meet the need. The tablets contain 20,000 i.e. vitamin D3 and 200 micrograms of vitamin K2 per capsule. Vitamin K2 supports the storage of calcium in the bones and perfectly complements the effect of vitamin D3.

How do you recognize a vitamin D3 deficiency?

Unfortunately, the symptoms of a vitamin D3 deficiency often only appear when the defect has already progressed. Typical signs are:

  • Fatigue and fatigue
  • Common infections and a weakened immune system
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Depressive moods

In order to identify a vitamin D3 deficiency early, it is advisable to have the vitamin D3 level in the blood regularly tested. Values ​​less than 30 nanograms per milliliter are a defect, values ​​between 30 and 50 nanograms per milliliter as an undersupply.

If the vitamin D3 mirror is too low, a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement can help quickly fill up the memory. The high -dose tablets with 20,000 i.E. Vitamin D3 and 200 micrograms of vitamin K2 are ideal for covering the need in the winter months.

Conclusion: Vitamin D3 is particularly important in winter

In the dark winter months, we can no longer fill up our vitamin D3 balance via the sun's rays. However, a lack of this important vitamin can have serious consequences for our immune system, our bone health and even our mood.

That is why it is advisable to add a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement to the daily routine in the winter months like from Future's Nutrition. So you can Vitamin D3-Pliegel optimally maintain and benefit from the diverse health advantages.

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