How much vitamin D3 should one take daily?
Many people can not cover their daily need for vitamin D on the food and sunlight on the skin. These people therefore need to take additional dietary supplements. We all know that we
Vitamin D3 Can we often ask ourselves how much vitamin D3 should one take daily?
How much vitamin D per day?

Before you buy such a preparation, check the labels of other products that you may take to determine if you
Vitamin D contain. Many multivitamin preparations and dietary supplements include this vitamin. You also need to calculate the amount you record over the food. The body can synthesize vitamin D directly over the skin, explaining why it can not be regarded as a pure vitamin. Under the influence of the ultraviolet rays of the sun (hence the name "Sunshine Vitamin") produces our body cholecalciferol (
Vitamin D3), which assumes his active form (calcitriol) after passing through the liver and the kidney. Vitamin D is a special case among nutrients and medicines. It can enrich in fat and in the liver where it is stored. Depending on the needs of the body, it can be metabolized and returned to the circulation.
According to the international scientific guidelines:
Adults under the age of 50 daily 400-800 ies (international units) vitamin D in their diet. - Need adults for over 50 years daily 1,000 IE Vitamin D. There are two types of vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D2, also ergocalciferol and vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol. Earlier studies assumed that D3 is the better choice than D2, but newer investigations have not revealed a real difference. The maximum permissible amount of vitamin D is 4,000 ies a day. (
Best Vitamin D Dosage
The dosage of vitamin D is often specified in international units (IE) and not in micrograms (μg). For a better understanding: 1 μg (1 millionth grams) corresponds to 40 ies. Many experts believe that the position of the Canadian Cancer Society is an improvement for Health Canada, but is still too conservative, as far as the scientific knowledge is concerned. They recommend a daily daily
Dose of 2,000 IU to 4,000 IE Vitamin D3. This amount can be reduced in summer, if you regularly expose yourself the sun (without sunscreen, but without sunburn). (
Vitamin D3 in liquid form

According to Dr. Reinhold Vieth From Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, however, Vitamin D3 should be taken in liquid form, as it is not safe to correctly dissolve tablets or capsules that are taken in large quantities. This would lead to insufficient dosage, as part of the vitamin is eliminated with the chair before it is metabolized. Vitamin D3 in liquid form is available without prescription in pharmacies and reform houses.
Vitamin D deficiency
From a practical point of view, the coordinator of the SBR Osteoporosis Commission clearly provides that a vitamin D deficiency is only available if the values of the substance in the blood are below 30 ng / ml. Thus, values above 30 ng / ml are already sufficient and would not necessarily have to be between 40 and 70 ng / ml, as quoted in the data of the Denver Congress. "There could be exceptions, such as: B. young, healthy people who can live very well with 20 ng / ml for some work," she adds. (
Recommended daily dose Vitamin D3

The recommended daily dose depends on the patient to obtain a sufficient amount of circulating vitamin D. In older people, 800-1,000 international units (IE) are recommended. However, it points out that there is no standard. It is important to analyze each case individually and, above all, to measure the substance through blood tests and to replace if necessary, what is missing. Since the sunlight is crucial for the synthesis of this vitamin in the skin, one can assume that the patient needed an additional feed when he lives in a country in which it gives long winter periods.
Dietary supplement Vitamin D3
Dietary supplements are offered with vitamin D3 (animal) and vitamin D2 (vegetable). Vitamin D2 is obtained by UV irradiation of ergosterol (vitamin precursor) from yeast. It is therefore vegan, but is not very well received by the body.
Vitamin D3 For dietary supplements, usually wool grease (lanolin) is recovered. In vegan products offered with vitamin D3, the vitamin comes from certain lichens. Genetically engineered carriers for this vitamin are possible. There are two ways to use the body
To supply vitamin D: On the one hand through the absorption of vitamin D-containing food, on the other hand through the body's formation in the skin in solar radiation. The latter makes the much larger proportion: about 80-90% of the vitamin D supply is carried out by regular stay outdoors. The formation of vitamin D in the skin depends on very different factors. The latitude, the annual and daytime (UVB intensity), clouds, clothing, leisure behavior and the respective skin type are just a few aspects.
German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends
For sufficient care, the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), face, hands and arms are suspended between March and October two- to three times a week and without sunshade of the sun (10-25 minutes). A sunburn should definitely be avoided. In the winter months, the body grabs the stored in the fat and muscle tissue
Vitamin D3 return. Also, during this time, walks in lunchtime are recommended when the sun is highest.