Kann man Vitamin D3 auf nüchternen Magen einnehmen?

Can you take vitamin D3 on an empty stomach?

When is the best time to take vitamin D3?

Some vitamins are more effective if they are taken at certain times of the day. The time at which we take our nutritional supplements influences the body's ability to absorb vitamins and also whether side effects occur. Some vitamins should be taken once or twice a day in the morning, others in the afternoon, with a meal or on an empty stomach. So when should you Vitamin D3 take in?


In the morning or in the evening?

Few researchers support the morning use of vitamin D because some people say that the nightly taking vitamins affects sleep. In studies, a connection between the intake of nutritional supplements and sleep disorders was found, but there is no conclusive evidence that the nightly taking of food supplements leads to sleep problems. In the case of vitamin D3, however, the connection between the intake of vitamin D preparations and sleep disorders may be more convincing.

Here is the reason for this: Melatonin is the hormone that is responsible for our circadian rhythm and controls our sleep-wake rhythm. Studies show that vitamin D can hinder melatonin production, which bothers our circadian rhythm and affects the quality of our sleep. That makes sense, because our body naturally produces vitamin D through sunlight, and this only happens during the day. Some people also experience harmful side effects when taking nutritional supplements. Although this is usually not the case when taking vitamin D, undesirable side effects can be alleviated by taking the preparation at night.

With meal or without a meal

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is able to save vitamin D storage (the liver and adipose tissue are able to save vitamin D in our body) and the recording. The fat -soluble vitamins are usually absorbed into the bloodstream by the intestinal wall. The theory states that vitamin D can be picked up more easily and more effectively in the bloodstream if you take a vitamin D preparation with a fatty meal. However, there are many contradictory studies that find no connection between the vitamin D level and the intake of vitamin D supplements with food. As a precaution, take a vitamin D preparation for a meal, preferably for a large meal. Find whether taking vitamin D preparations disturbs your sleep rhythm, and if so, adjust the time of intake. Simply take your vitamin D preparation at the right time and according to your body's needs-very simple!


Why shouldn't you take "vitamin D3" on an empty stomach?

Vitamin D preparations are better absorbed if they are taken with a meal that contains avocado, olive oil, flax seeds or other useful fats. Taking nutritional supplements on sober stomach is a bad idea.


When can vitamin D3 be taken on an empty stomach?

If your preparation already contains enough fats (e.g. fish oils), it is not necessary to take it with a meal. This is a rare feature of the vitamin D3 supplements that are offered on the market today because some of them contain fatal parts. You can check this information by reading the instructions that indicate the presence of a type of fat or oil to improve the absorption that is included with the addition. Consider various vitamin D3 supplements such as vitamin D3 30000, vitamin D3 20000 IE and vitamin D3 20,000 K2.

VItamin D on sober stomach

The patients state that they usually either take the preparation on an empty stomach or with a slight meal. Since the vitamin is fat -soluble, the researchers suspected that taking it would improve the recording with a large meal

Vitamin D on empty stomach

Vitamin D3 on an empty stomach - good or bad? -Vitamin D is a fat -soluble vitamin, i.e. that is, it does not dissolve in water and is best absorbed in the bloodstream in connection with high -fat foods. For this reason, it is recommended to take vitamin D preparations with a meal to improve the recording.

Vitamin D tablets on an empty stomach

Water -soluble vitamins are vitamins that can be dissolved in water. Water -soluble vitamins can be taken on an empty stomach. Taking on an empty stomach is beneficial for the absorption of water -soluble vitamins.

Water -soluble vitamins include vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin and so on.

Fat -soluble vitamins are vitamins that are insoluble in water, but are soluble in fats and organic solvents.

Fat -soluble vitamins should be taken after meals. After the meals there are some oils in the gastrointestinal tract. Oils can dissolve fat -soluble vitamins and promote the intake and utilization of these vitamins.


You should buy vitamin D3 30000

There are some reasons why you should buy vitamin D3 300,000 IE. It has a great effect against colon, prostate and breast cancer, which has been demonstrated in older people. It contains the raw materials consisting of vegetable fats and braids, which is irradiated with a very strong UV light source and thereby with Vitamin D3 be enriched. In a later extraction, the vitamin D3 is then separated from the fat.


Vitamin D3 20000 IE

The intake of Vitamin D3 20000 He will be very helpful for you because it can do the following:
  • Contribution to the normal admission and recycling of calcium
  • Maintaining a normal bone and muscle function, strong and healthy teeth and normal immune function.
  • Plays a role in the process of cell division.
  • Treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Treatment of calcium deficiency, osteomalacia, rachitis, osteodystrophy, low phosphate index in the blood due to hereditary hypophosphatemia and hypophosphatemia due to fanconi syndrome.
  • Treatment of psoriasis by applying to the affected skin.
  • Treatment of diseases that can lead to a low vitamin D3 mirror such as B. in the event of a thyroid underactive function.
  • Maintaining the correct pH value in the blood.
  • Stimulates the kidneys to bring phosphate back into the blood.
Doctors recommend taking vitamin D3 together with vitamin K2, since both together improve the health of many body functions, in particular the strengthening of the bones, and one of the nutritional supplements that are recommended is Vitamin D3 20,000 K2.

Ginkgo Biloba

Also take Ginkgo Biloba 6000 mg into consideration, a vegetable extract from the Ginkgo plant that was very popular in the past. Ginkgo Biloba helps to improve brain function and blood circulation, which contributes to improving the symptoms of many diseases. Ginkgo Biloba 6000 mg is also advantageous in the treatment of anxiety, contributes to improving memory and reducing the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, helping to treat multiple sclerosis, treatment of headaches, dizziness and promotes improvement in eye problems .
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