Sonnenvitamin - Hormone D3
Sonnenvitamin - Hormone D3
This article is about vitamin D, the lack of which affects all areas of our life. In different degree, a lack of most people is to be determined and is the most common hormone deficiency in the world.
Hormone D
Vitamin D, more precisely that Hormone DIs a steroid hormone formed from cholesterol on the skin surface only under the influence of direct ultraviolet B-rays (UV-B). The largest amount of hormone is formed in summer, during the day, with direct sunlight. Experts assume that the synthesis of hormone D practically does not take place when the shadow of a person is longer than his height. On average, a person is located on a summer day 10,000-25,000 units in the sun (but without "sunburn"). It is important to know that glass and sunscreen are effectively blocking ultraviolet B radiation. So if you stay behind glass in the sun for a long time or use sunscreen, do not produce hormone D, a smaller amount Vitamin D3 10000 IE.
D-hormone mirror
Receptors for the hormone D can be found throughout the body: digestive tract, ovaries, testicles, fallopian teads, teeth, saliva glands, cells of the pancreas (producing insulin), stomach cells producing hydrochloric acid, etc. The hormone D is completely in the hormonal regulatory mechanisms of the body integrated. Estrogens and testosterone adapt to the hormone D levels. Therefore, when the hormone mirror of hormone D has reached its high, the last time is the optimal time for conception. The thyroid hormones are sensitive to the hormone D-mirror. When the mirror is high, cell energy and general metabolism increase.
Hormone D and Vitamin K2
The total content of Hormone D is required for the proper organization of calcium metabolism in the body. Nowadays, it is common to explain the presence of osteoporosis, bad teeth, etc. with calcium deficiency. Calcium disorders are due to a lack of hormone D and Vitamin K2 causes.
Scientists have found that sufficient supply of vitamin D is essential for sufficient sleep.
Why is a vitamin D deficiency associated with Hashimoto-Thyroiditis?
Vitamin D is an important regulator of the immune system. Research has already found that a vitamin D deficiency is highly connected to other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and type I diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with the Hashimoto hypothyroidism, another autoimmune disease.
What are the symptoms of Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis?
The hashimoto-thyroiditis is an autoimmune attack on the inside of the thyroid gland. Over time, the immune system destroys the inside of the thyroid so that they can no longer produce enough thyroid hormones and suffers from symptoms associated with a sub-supply with these hormones. You have to pay attention to the following signs:
- Weight
- constipation
- Hair loss
- Brain fog
- Excessive sleep requirement to manage everyday life
- High cholesterol
- infertility
- Joint pain
For many people with Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis, a vitamin D deficiency can be present
Vitamin D is a crucial regulator for your immune system. Without vitamin D, your immune system can quickly get out of balance. A vitamin D deficiency can lead to a tissue for expression of an autoimmune attack. This is the case with the Hashimoto-Thyroiditis. In scientific studies, it was found that more than 90% of the Hashimoto patients have one Vitamin D deficiency. In this study, a vitamin D deficiency was defined as less than 30 ng / dl.
If you have the gene for the development of this disease and have a vitamin D deficiency, this gene can be activated, and you can begin to develop it, starting with autoimmune attacks on the thyroid. Over time, your thyroid is hypofunctional (produces less hormones) and they develop symptoms of a thyroid subfunction.
vitamin C
In the winter months, it is very difficult to record this vitamin about the sunlight and the food. (Some fish, fish liver and egg yolk included Vitamin DBut these must be consumed in large quantities). The amount of vitamin D, which you need to take, is determined by your doctor taking into account your age, the drugs you are taking, and the time you spend outdoors. The right amount is particularly important because this vitamin, unlike z. B. Vitamin C, is fat-soluble and can be overdosed. An overdose is essential for infants, and in adults, overdose symptoms (gastric failure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) can be caused by taking 4000 ies per day when this high dose is taken over a longer period of time.