Warum sollte man vitamin d mit k2 einnehmen

Why should you take Vitamin D with K2

Why should you take Vitamin D3 with K2


Vitamin D3 is an inactive form of vitamin D, but it is also its recording form. Through sunlight and foods like mushrooms and cereals, the body vitamin D does not absorb vitamin D in its active form, but in the form of vitamin D3.


In the case of a vitamin D deficiency in the body, physicians prescribe either vitamin D3 or vitamin D2 preparations, but not preparations with active vitamin D, which are not available, as it is the task of the body, active vitamin D spontaneously from its precursors to manufacture.


Why take vitamin D3?


The intake of vitamin D3 is strongly recommended if you want your body to work well as vitamin D3 is responsible for many functions in the body. If you can not absorb enough vitamin D3 over the food, you should expose to the sun as the body can be about 5000 I.e in 30 minutes. Can produce vitamin D3.


Advantages of taking vitamin D3


Ongoing research on vitamin D3 have shown that there is a variety of benefits for the body. It contributes to maintaining the calcium level in the body, for mineralization and strength of the bones, for healthy skin and hair and protecting the body from pathogens and autoimmune. By taking Vitamin D3, it is ensured that these functions in the body run normally and they are not only physically, but also mentally healthy.


Why is there a vitamin D3 deficiency?


One of the largest natural vitamin D3 sources is sunlight, but vitamin D3 deficiency is also one of the most common vitamin mammars. He occurs when not sufficiently exposed to sunlight, especially people who live near the poles or do not stop much in the sun. The need for vitamin D3 can be covered by consumption of vitamin-D3 rich foods, but unfortunately there are not many foods that contain vitamin D3.


This leads to a lack of vitamin D3, which must be compensated by the intake of vitamin D3 preparations.



Supplements of vitamin D3


Vitamin D3 preparations are often prescribed by doctors in a shortage and are also easily available on the market. They are available as tablets, chewable tablets and in liquid form. Vitamin D3 is available in different dosages, with smaller doses suitable for daily ingestion, while higher doses are available for people with deficiency symptoms.


Tablets with vitamin D3


Since most doses of vitamin D3 are available in tablet form, they are preferably used by the doctors in the primary care. Below are some of the most commonly prescribed doses that are conveniently available in tablet form.


Why Vitamin D3 5000 I.E. Take?


Vitamin D3 5000 I.E. Is administered patients suffering from a defect to strengthen their immune system and strengthen the bones. 5000 I.e. is also the minimum requirement at vitamin D3 for adults per day.


Why Vitamin D3 1000 I.E. Take?


Vitamin D3 1000 I.e. It is recommended for people who do not take enough vitamin D3. It is administered only as a dietary supplement and mainly used for the prevention of a defect. It supports nutrition with nutrients.


Why take vitamin D3 in the night?


For most nutritional supplements, there is no permanent take-off time. In vitamin D3, however, it is advisable to take it at night, as it is associated with a better sleep. If you take it during the day, you can feel sleepy.


Why take vitamin D3 with K2?


Since the main task of vitamin D3 is calcium intake, supported Vitamin K2 The Vitamin D3. It is responsible for the correct management of the calcium recorded by vitamin D3. Together, both control the calcium homeostasis.


Vitamin D3 helps recording calcium and also supports calcification. At this point, however, vitamin K2 comes into play. It ensures that the calcium is deposited there where it is needed, namely in the bones and not in soft tissue. Therefore, vitamin D3 and K2 are often taken together as a lack of both vitamins often occurs and they cooperate in the body.


Why can not take vitamin D3 and calcium together?


It is known that vitamin D3 promotes the recording of calcium in the body, but it is not advisable to take vitamin D3 and calcium preparations at the same time. With simultaneous use of calcium and vitamin D3, too much calcium can accumulate in the body, which can lead to toxicity. Therefore, only one of these preparations should be taken at the same time.



  1. "Calcium / Vitamin D requirement, recommended food and dietary supplements". Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation, 5 Jan. 2022, https://www.bonhalthandosteoporosis.org/patients/treatment/calciumvitamin-d/.
  2. "COLECALCIFEROL 1 000 IU CAPSULES". COLECALCIFEROL 1 000 IU CAPSULES - Summary of Product Characteristics (SMPC) - (EMC), https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/7247/smpc#gref.
  3. Gao, Qi, et al. "The Association Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Sleep Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis". Nutrients, MDPI, 1 Oct. 2018, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6213953/.
  4. "How Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 Work Together." Betteryou, https://betteryou.com/pages/vitamin-d-and-vitamin-k#: ~:Text=Vitamin%20D3%20Ar%20Vitamin%20K2 ,System%20und%20Utt%20The%20 muscle function.
  5. "Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss: Everything you need to know." WebMD, WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/connect-to-care/hair-loss/vitamin-d-deficiency-and-hair-Loss.
  6. "What is the recommended sun exposure for the production of vitamin D?" Latest Medical News, Clinical Trials, Guidelines - Today on Medscape, 15 Dec. 2020, https://www.medscape.com/answers/128762-54304/what-is-the-recommended-sun-exposure-for-production-of-vitamin-d.


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