Vitamin d3 bedarf

Vitamin D3 requires


Vitamin D3 Daily needs


How much Vitamin D Should I take to promote the health of my brain? We all know the benefits of vitamin D for health, but most people do not know that vitamin D is best for the health of the brain. The mental health is important because we use our mind to do any task.

According to researchers, a lower Vitamin D levels on the brain type called "Scaffolding".

Another study has shown that vitamin D deficiency is the cause of schizophrenia and other mental health problems.

In addition, vitamin D is important for the development and maturation of the brain.


What does vitamin D3 do for your brain?


Vitamin D3 5000 IU is a high-dose dietary supplement that can help fix a vitamin D3 deficiency that occurs when people do not take enough vitamin D3 over the sun or their diet. In addition, vitamin D3 5000 is used for additional power and promoting brain growth.

The vitamin D3 preparations with 5000 ies that you find in your drugstore usually contain vitamin D3, a form of vitamin D, which of course occurs in fat fish. Vitamin D2, the other form, is obtained from vegetable sources. In dietary supplements, it is more likely to find D3 as research has shown that D3 is more important to increase the vitamin D mirror than D2.


Why is there a lack of vitamin D3?


There are several reasons for a vitamin D deficiency, which are listed below.

1.Duncler skin

The skin color is determined by the melanin pigment. The more melanine is present, the darker is the skin color. Melanin absorbs the UV-B rays of them. It reduces vitamin D3 production. Therefore, people with dark skin need more skin contact to form a sufficient amount of vitamin D3.

According to a report, African American An average serum level of 16ng / ml, while white 25ng / l have.


Obesity can lead to a vitamin D deficiency. After a Review of 23 studies 35% of obese people are prone to a vitamin D3 deficiency. In normal weight people, however, is the likelihood of a vitamin D3 for 24%. The diet and lack of sunlight also affect the amount of vitamin D3 in the body. Therefore, an investigation was carried out in which a obese and a normal weight person was exposed to sunlight after their vitamin D3 mirror had been checked.

At the beginning, the rise of the vitamin D3 mirror was the same high, but gradually increased in the normal weights stronger. After 24 hours, obese people have less than 57% less vitamin D.

3. Limited solar exposure

A person looks out of the window or sets into the sun for a few minutes and think he has enough vitamin D in the body. In hot, sunny climatic zones, however, people can have a vitamin D3 deficiency.

Since we all know about skin cancer, sun protection is required. That's why people avoid staying in the sunlight.

According to reports, the majority of people consider only closed rooms, which is why their body is only exposed to 10 to 15 percent of sunlight. As a result, they also have a vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sunlight.

4.Shex nutrition

As we know, a bad diet affects the general health of people. A bad diet leads to various types of deficiency symptoms in humans. The main reason for Vitamin D3 deficiency is also a bad diet. If people do not include vitamin-d3 rich foods in their diet, they suffer from vitamin D3 deficiency.

The main reason for this is that most people do not know which foods have a high vitamin D3 content and which are not. Therefore, they take food towards themselves without being aware of what leads to vitamin D3 deficiency.

According to a report by the Office for Dietary Supplements, people who work in enclosed rooms should get enough vitamin D3 from the sun, to take vitamin D3-rich food.


The geographic factor is the main cause of vitamin deficiency. There are different regions or countries where the weather is cold most of the time. People in these areas have no access to the sunlight; Therefore, you can not absorb vitamin D3 from the sunlight.

There are also different areas where vitamin D3 rich foods are available. That's why people in these areas have a lack of vitamin D3.

6.Numwelt pollution

The pollution is a reason for vitamin D3 deficiency. Since air pollution blocks the path of the sunbeams, these rays and sufficient light can not reach the earth. So people do not get enough sunbeams, and their body does not produce vitamin D3.

In addition, people do not stop in polluted air. Therefore, the likelihood of vitamin D deficiency rises.

7.Medical conditions

Various medical conditions lead to problems with the intake of vitamin D3. Investigations have shown that people with Crohn's disease and celiac can not absorb vitamin D3. Therefore, people with these diseases come to a shortage.


The ingestion of many drugs causes a vitamin D3 deficiency. In addition, some specific medications reduce the ability of the body to absorb vitamin D3. Steroids, cholesterol and blood pressure-sensitive drugs, for example, do not carry out the body vitamin D3 well.



Vitamin deficiency occurs for different reasons, z. B. because of lack of solar radiation, unbalanced diet, pollution and medicines. There are also geographical factors and various medical conditions. The lack of vitamin D3 affects mental health and causes serious diseases such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.

To improve your diet, take supplements Vitamin D3 to improve health.


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