Vitamin D3 the correct dosage
Vitamin D3 dosage in children
Data from modern basic and clinical trials show that the generally recommended daily intake of Vitamin D for children (400-500 ie / day) is significantly underestimated. The article presents the results of a review and clinical trials (n = 21) in which the positive dynamics of the 25 (OH) D plasma concentration was registered after administration of vitamin D in children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 years. The duration of vitamin D ingestion was in the analyzed studies between 1 and 12 months and the dose was between 800 and 4000 IE / day.
Vitamin D deficiency
Based on the results of a gradual analysis, a vitamin D regulation scheme has been proposed: for children under 4 months a daily intake of 500 IE / day (for premature babies - 800-1000 IE / day), aged 4 months to 4 years - 1000 IE / day, 4-10 years - 1500 IE / day, 10-16 years - 2000 IE / day Vitamin D for one year. In this way becomes more appropriate Compensation of the vitamin D deficiency achieved (concentration of 25 (OH) d> 20 ng / ml), and some data decreases the risk of infection and allergic diseases.
Our study showed that after an 8-week substitution with 50,000 IE vitamin D3, the subjects in the group with hypovitaminosis D (group b) in 49.2% a sustained insufficiency, in 46.1% normalization and only 4.6 % had a shortage. These results are lower than Daroux et al.16 and Vashi et al.17, taking into account the differences between these studies and the study.
After supplementation, the mean rose of 25 (OH) D concentration in serum estimated by the authors was 8.27 ng / ml, similar to Sakali et al.18, but lower than Al-Zahrani et al.19 and Lower than the calculation of the 25 (OH) D concentration proposed by Maeda et al.8 by 0.7 to 1.0 ng / ml per 100 ie supplementation. In absolute terms, this increase in subjects with deficiency (81%) was greatest, followed by insufficiency (32%) and those with normal concentrations (15%). As already found by Canto-Costa et al .20, the increase in serum concentration in the persons with lower initial values was greater. There was no evidence of a connection between absolute and relative increases with the variable gender and age group. These reports were also observed by Moreirira-Perrimer et al.21. There are few studies in which the response to a vitamin D supplementation in healthy older people was examined and a comparison is difficult due to the peculiarities of individual studies.
Vitamin D concentrations
When evaluating the increase in serum vitamin D concentration, depending on the drug intake, significant differences in the variable neuroleptics (p = 0.001) and biphosphonates (p = 0.04) were detected. In patients treated with these drugs, absolute vitamin D growth was observed, which were significantly lower than the mean of the other treatments. Formosa et al.22, Baek et al.23, Pedrera et al.24 and Lima et al.25 have found such a feature of persons taking anticonvulsants.
Daily vitamin
Although there are studies that evaluate the optimal dose and the optimal time for vitamin D substitution, the topic remains controversial. Gallagher et al.26 pursued in a randomized placebo-controlled study 163 healthy postmenopausal white women with vitamin D insufficiency for a year after they had received a dose of 400, 800, 1,600, 2,400, 3,200, 4,000 or 4,800 ies once a day . The primary endpoints were 25 (OH) D and PTH values after 6 and 12 months. The average final serum dose was 42 ng / ml after 2,400 ies / day and 47 ng / ml after 4,800 ies / day at white and 39 ng / ml after 2,400 ies / day and 50 ng / ml after 4,800 ies / day in African Americans.
Advantages of Vitamin D
The study had some restrictions: the group consisted of active seniors who lived in a socially unrepresentative region of the older population of the federal district. The members of these groups are probably more active, health-conscious and perhaps also healthier than other older people in the region, because they are members of a community organization that promotes healthy aging actions. In addition, the voluntary participants of the study are likely to represent the part of the population that puts value on healthy aging, the benefits of vitamin D is worried and this preparation has already taken. Aspects related to therapy loyalty could not be controlled.
Vitamin D metabolism
Taking certain medications, the presence of comorbidities or the earlier intake of Vitamin D supplementswho can affect the vitamin D metabolism were not excluding criteria, because the intention of the researchers was to present the reality of the population, for which the SES / DF should program the health policy, as accurately as possible. Laboratory tests for assessing kidney or liver function were performed even a second dosage of calcium and phosphorus in the serum. There was no control group, the commercial Vitamin D3.9:27.
Despite the statistically significant increase - on average 8.2 ng / ml - in the subjects, the weekly a dose of 50 000 IE Vitamin D3 The results show that 58.3% of patients with hyposufficiency after the treatment of vitamin D deficiency reached no average concentrations within eight weeks. In subjects, the antipsychotics and bisphosphonates revenue, the increase in vitamin D concentration after supplementation was significantly lower. We offer vitamin D supplements with higher concentrations of Vitamin D3 20000 Or Vitamin D3 50000 on.