Vitamin D3 Energie?

Vitamin D3 energy?

Does vitamin D3 give energy?

Do you always feel tired and sluggish? If so, this could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Because the most common symptom of a vitamin D lack is a lack of energy and fatigue. A recently published report shows that about 38 percent of people in the United States are tired. According to the researchers Supports vitamin D that mitochondria in energy synthesis, so that a lack of vitamin D leads to an energy deficiency. According to another study, the women suffered Vitamin D3 10000 Or less income, under fatigue, weakness and unspecific pain. Studies have also shown that people with a high vitamin D level have a 50 percent higher risk of colon cancer than people with a lower vitamin D level.

Symptoms of low energy level or tiredness

Fatigue is a common but not serious problem, which is characterized, among other things, by the following symptoms:
  • fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Blurred vision
  • Problem with short -term memory
  • Bad concentration
  • Mood swings
  • dizziness
  • Lack of appetite

If you Vitamin D3 10000 Or take less, you can feel the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency.


Does vitamin D3 30000 really increase the energy?

Yes, vitamin D is effective to increase the energy level. A study showedthat the administration of a single megadosis vitamin D on 120 people with vitamin D deficiency has greatly improved their fatigue. In addition, it was also observed that the people who recently had kidney transplants also benefited from vitamin D-30000.

How much vitamin D do you need for optimal health?

The need for vitamin D vary from person to person and depends on age, skin color, current vitamin D levels in the blood, location, sunlight and more. According to the current guidelines, the supply of 400-800 IE covers the daily need of around 97-98 percent of all healthy people. Some studies also indicate that taking vitamin D3 300,000 is above the recommended values. If someone consumes 1000 IE every day, they can increase their vitamin D level in the blood to 33 mg/ml. In a study, attempts were made to find out the connection between heart disease and the vitamin D level. It was found that the intake of Vitamin D3 20000 K2 The risk of heart diseases reduces 10 percent.

How can the energy level be increased?

There are various ways to increase the vitamin D level to increase the energy level.
  • Fuel enough sun

Vitamin D is also known as sunshine vitamin. This means that we can win vitamin D from sunlight. Cholesterol is a preliminary stage of the vitamin in the skin. When the skin is exposed to the sun, this cholesterol is converted into vitamins. Studies have shown that the vitamin D obtained from the sun circulates twice more than the vitamin D. obtained from other sources such as food and nutritional supplements etc.
  • Eat mushrooms

The most important source for vitamin D are fungi. Like we can also produce mushrooms vitamin D if they are exposed to sunlight. Mushrooms form D2 or ergocalciferol. In addition, the vitamin D content depends on the various types of mushrooms. An example of a wild mushroom: the shapes contain 2348 IE per ounce.
  • Eat whole egg

We can also win vitamin D from egg yolk. We can easily add it to our daily diet. Like all other natural sources, the egg yolk contains a variable vitamin D content. A chicken that does not go outside also delivers 2-5 % of the RDI. On the other hand, the eggs of a chicken that has access to the great outdoors provide almost 20 percent of the RDI. This also depends on the time that spends the chicken outside the cage.
  • Vitamin D supplements

To achieve the recommended vitamin D level, you can also take vitamin D preparations. Vitamin D Has two biological forms: D2 and D3. D2, or Ergocalciferol, is mainly obtained from plants. At the same time, vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is obtained from an animal source. Research has shown that Vitamin D3 K2 10,000 IE is more effective than vitamin D2.
  • UV lamps

The lamp that releases UV-B radiation can also increase your vitamin D level. But these lamps are expensive. They imitate the effect of the sun by sending UV rays. In this way, our body will synthesize vitamin D. This is very advantageous in areas where the sunlight cannot reach the surface. The main concern in connection with these devices is security. Too strong sunlight can burn the skin. You are not allowed to sit in front of the device for more than 15 minutes.


Most people feel less energetic due to poor nutrition. You don't get enough vitamin D and other minerals from food so that you suffer from tiredness and feel sluggish. Fatigue occurs more often in humans over the age of 60. Therefore, it is important to consume enough vitamin D. You can increase your vitamin D recording by consuming vitamin D rich foods and spending time in the sun. The other best way to cover your vitamin D requirement is to take vitamin D3 K2 preparations with 10,000 IE.
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