How much vitamin D3?
Vitamin D Is specially synthesized in the skin by sunlight and plays an important role for the body's immune system. The last summer was exceptionally sun arm. Hot summer days that attract the sun were rare, and so many of us are likely to be with little ones
Vitamin D-Save and thus go with a weaker immune system than usual in the fall. Unfortunately, a large part of the children and adults, especially the older people, is affected by a vitamin D deficiency and is not recognized as such. The risk of vitamin D deficiency is not only at low solar radiation, but also in older, dark-skinned, overweight or obese people higher, which do not eat fish and no dairy products or do not stay enough outdoors to refuel enough sun. It is recommended
Vitamin D take from September to April-May.
Who should take it as a dietary supplement?
It can drink children who do not drink with vitamin D enriched milk, as well as pregnant women and older people who live in facilities, are prescribed because of their role in bone mineralization.
D3 supplement
It is interesting in recurring respiratory infections. A recent meta analysis shows that vitamin D3 supplementation lowers the disease risk by 40 to 60%. The patient to whom it prescribes it, with which it is checked, whether they actually have a vitamin D deficiency, in the following months usually less fatigue and infections. It makes sense after the age of 60, since the natural ability to synthesize and the metabolism of vitamin D decreases.
Vitamin D supplement

It is essential for people who are sick or endangered to osteoporosis: in menopause and before menopause, if it has already come to bone breaks in the past. One
Vitamin D supplementation In combination with calcium, the risk reduces no spine breaks after the age of 65. In addition, basic osteoporosis treatments such as bisphosphonates are less effective when administered patients with vitamin D deficiency.
When should you take vitamin D?
In winter, the probability of a vitamin D deficiency is greater due to the low sunlight. This is also the time we need it to combat viral infections. Therefore, it is recommended to make a cure of at least three months from October to March.
How much vitamin D3?
The vitamin D levels must be monitored particularly carefully in children in growth. Often it is not enough to eat properly and stop at the fresh air to ensure that the body has the right vitamin D mirror for all year long. Instead, one must take a supplement. The daily dose
Vitamin D Depends on vitamin levels in the blood. Lies the vitamin mirror in the optimal area, d. H. Over 75 Nmol / L, it is necessary to maintain this value. The daily vitamin indosit can be in the range of 1000-2000 units (25-50 micrograms). If a person has a vitamin D mirror in the blood that is below the optimum value (below 75 nmol / l), the mirror must first be brought in order. Experience shows that this is difficult to achieve with a 'prophylactic' dose. In this case, the daily feed should be more likely depending on the result of the vitamin D analysis
4000-5000 units (100-125 micrograms) lie.
Vitamin D supplements
When choosing the dosage of vitamin D preparations, it is important to consider the lifestyle of a person, eg. For example, people who are physically active or do sports have a higher vitamin D needs. In general, it is recommended to take vitamin D preparations from the end of September or at the beginning of October until the end of April or early May. A healthy, vital person should try to provide vitamin D in the summer months in the midday sun with vitamin D and do not take the preparation during this time. Therefore, older people and humans are recommended with chronic diseases,
Vitamin D3 take in the summer months. A "prophylactic" dose is sufficient. For small children, the dose of vitamin D should be agreed with the family doctor.
Taking the vitamin D starter packet
Why does it sometimes happen that one
Person Vitamin D occupiesBut who hardly rises blood levels? Either the wrong preparations are taken or the dose is too low. It can also give a genetic reason that the vitamin D drug does not work. However, genetic tests are not yet routinely performed in laboratories. If you have started taking Vitamin D to fix a vitamin deficiency, you should check it after 1.5 to 2 months of taking whether your blood mirror rises. Depending on the severity of the defect, it may be that the optimal blood mirror is not reached during this time, but the results of the analysis can be used to z. B. the amount of the VITAMIN D occupied. It is recommended
Vitamin D3 30000 to choose or
Vitamin D3 10000
What happens when you take too much vitamin D?
What happens when I take too much vitamin D? "An excessive supply of vitamin D can also increase the blood mirror on toxic values (over 250 nmol / l)," said the laboratory doctor. He has only seen such values in individual cases in the blood. The reason for this was, for example, taking
10,000 - 20,000 units Vitamin D over a whole year. A vitamin D excess can lead to calcium deposits in the cells and damage to kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.