Kann man zu viel vitamin d nehmen

You can take too much vitamin D

Can you take too much vitamin D3?


Before we draw hasty conclusions, we should first ask ourselves what too much Vitamin D3 is And what exactly is the normal area. Accepting within the normal range does not harm, but an exceedance can have a negative impact.


What is the recommended vitamin D3 intake?


The normal Vitamin D3 intake should be between 5000 i.e. and 20,000 I.E. lay. Some studies also indicate that a vitamin D3 supply of up to 50,000 I.E. is also harmless. However, this amount of vitamin D3 (up to 50,000 i.e.) is only recommended for people with severe vitamin D3 deficiency, over a longer period of time.


Why is there a range and no fixed value for vitamin D3 intake?


The recommended values ​​for all nutrients are given in the form of a span, since the normal supply quantity is individually different for everyone. However, there is agreement that exceeding the recommended area can harm rather than benefit.


What is too much vitamin D3?


The normal area of ​​the recommended vitamin D3 intake is between 5000 i.e. 20,000 I.E. And to take the matter to the top, they are only allowed 50,000 I.E. Take vitamin D3. This is the permissible maximum amount (Tolerable Upper Intake Level, UL), which indicates how much vitamin D3 your body can tolerate without poisoning.


Can you consume too much vitamin D3?


To definitely answer your question this time: No, you cannot take too much vitamin D3. Everything that goes beyond the recommended area harms your body and causes toxicity or hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3 in your body.


Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3


With an excessive supply of vitamin D3, vitamin D3 hypervitaminosis can occur in the body. Nausea and vomiting as well as weakness and exhaustion are common symptoms of vitamin D3 hypervitaminosis. A surplus of vitamin D3 in your body can also damage your bones and contribute to calcification of the soft tissues in your body.


Vitamin D3 does not calculate the soft tissues. Usually it only helps to strengthen the bones by storing calcium. But the excessive availability of vitamin D3 in your body can cause soft tissue to calcify.


Can too much vitamin D3 acne cause?


While patients with skin diseases such as psoriasis and dermatitis can receive vitamin D3 preparations, too much vitamin D3 acne can cause. And patients who take vitamin D3 preparations are particularly susceptible to this. As a rule, the patient is prescribed dietary supplements to remedy the defect. After taking dietary supplements for a long time, if the deficiency in the body has long been remedied, acne can be caused by an excess of vitamin D3 in the body.


Can too much vitamin D3 cause tinnitus?


Although there is not much information about the connection between an overdose of vitamin D3 and tinnitus, there is a possible connection. Some studies that deal with the investigation of the connection between the two suggest that Tinnitus, which is defined as the ears of the ears, can be a side effect of too high vitamin D3 intake.


Can too much vitamin D3 pounding palpitations?


Vitamin D3 is involved in the calcium absorption, and an excessive amount of it can cause hypercalcemia in the body. This, in turn, can lead to an over -the -controllability of the heart that causes palpitations. There is compelling evidence that vitamin D3 toxicity causes palpitations.


Can too much vitamin D3 cause depression?


There are no indications that overdose vitamin D3 depression. However, many research work and studies show the opposite. A vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with depression. Psychiatrists often prescribe vitamin D tablets. The concept that causes too much vitamin D3 depression is not supported by research. However, a vitamin D3 deficiency could be a factor that contributes to depression.




Too much vitamin D3 is actually possible and can lead to vitamin D3 toxicity in your body. However, only the patients who take vitamin D3 doses daily to the upper tolerable value will be sacrificed. Taking vitamin D3 to prevent a defect is a good thing, but the supplementation should also be regulated.




  1.  https://www.verywellmind.com/symptoms-of-too-much-vitamin-d-5105134.
  2. https://www.livestrong.com/article/523389-list-of-vitamins-that-cause-tinnitus/
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