Vitamin D Schwangerschaft Dosierung

Vitamin D Pregnancy Dosage


How Much Vitamin D Pregnancy

How good is Vitamin D3 in the pregnancy? How much D3 per day is good for pregnancy? As you know, vitamin D3 k2 20,000 is also used to improve the health of people who suffer from a vitamin D deficiency or related disorder such as rickets or osteomalacia. In addition, the intake of vitamin D3 preparations is strongly recommended during pregnancy.

Vitamin D is of great importance during pregnancy. It contributes to the development of your baby's bones and teeth. How much vitamin D3 should you take per day? The amount of vitamin D you need during pregnancy is disputed among experts. Some experts recommend 600 international units (IE) per day, others recommend taking 1,000 to 20,000 IU Vitamin d3 per day.

In the past, the mistaken belief that the intake of vitamins during pregnancy was not safe. However, most studies have shown that vitamin d3 intake is safe.

It is important, however, that you consult your doctor on how much vitamin D you need during pregnancy. You can increase the vitamin D levels in the blood in different ways. One of the best options is a healthy diet.


How important is vitamin D in pregnancy?


What is the meaning of vitamin D in pregnancy? And what does it mean for mothers and babies? Vitamin D deficiency is common among many people around the world, but above all in pregnant women. So if you are pregnant or there is a possibility that you might become pregnant, it is necessary to take a vitamin D preparation. It reduces the risk of problems in the growth of the baby in the first weeks of pregnancy. But women ask, " How much D3 should I take per day? "

According to research findings, the intake of 20 000 IU of vitamin D3 per day in the later pregnancy for the development of the fetal skeleton of importance. In addition, taking vitamin D supplements in a very early stage of pregnancy can help prevent preeclampsia. In addition, vitamin D3 reduces the risk of other pregnancy complications such as developmental disorders and even miscarriages.


Reasons for a vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy


Factors that may endanger you during pregnancy for a vitamin D deficiency are mentioned here.

-Obesity: Since body fat stores a large part of the vitamin D in the skin, this stored vitamin D3 is less accessible to the body.

-Dark skin: People with darker skin have a high proportion of melanin, which acts as a natural sunscreen and reduces vitamin D production in the skin.

-Certain medications: medications such as steroids, drugs against seizures, cholesterol sinkers and some diuretics reduce the intake of vitamin D from the intestine.

-Fat-Malabsorption situations: In diseases such as celiac disease and Crohn's disease, the ability to absorb food fat is limited, leading to a lower intake of vitamin D.


Why do you need vitamin D during pregnancy?


During pregnancy, your body needs vitamin D to manage the right amounts of calcium and phosphorus. All this together contributes to the construction of your baby's bones and teeth.

In addition, vitamin D3 20 000 IU is also of importance for healthy vision and skin. Unfortunately, a vitamin D deficiency is common during pregnancy. A lack of vitamin D can lead to abnormal bone growth, bone fractures or rickets in newborns.

The symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency can be very subtle. They can include muscle craters, weakness, bone pain, and softened bones, which can lead to bone fractures. But, of course, a vitamin D deficiency can occur even without any signs of any signs. And if this happens during pregnancy, your baby may suffer a vitamin deficiency.


What are the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy?


There are various symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy. In addition, the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency vary from person to person.

Here are some symptoms of vitamin D deficiency listed

  • Body pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Back pain
  • Fatigue


How to take vitamin d3 during pregnancy?


There are several ways to increase the vitamin d3 levels in the body. The natural way to take vitamin d3 is sunlight and healthy, vitamin-d3-rich food.  However, doctors recommend taking vitaminD3-tablets, as it is difficult to reach the vitamin D3 level in pregnancy only with the food. So, the best and most effective way is to take vitamin D supplements. How much vitamin d3 should I take? The recommended amount is about 800 IU. The preparations are available in various dosages. Therefore, contact your doctor before taking a preparation during pregnancy, because he will tell you how much d3 is good for you.




As you know, many women suffer from vitamin D3 deficiency during pregnancy. This deficiency can affect the health of the unborn child and have a negative impact on the unborn child. In addition, a vitamin D deficiency can also lead to serious health problems and complications in pregnant women. Therefore, it is important to take Vitamin-D3 preparations during pregnancy.



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