Vitamin D3 dosage
Vitamin D3 dosage
Vitamin D3 Dosage 500 IU
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is dissolved in fats and can be stored for a long time in the body. Vitamin D contributes to Strengthening the bones by supporting the recording of calcium and phosphorus. It also contributes to the health of the heart, for regulating the mood, to maintain a healthy immune system and weight loss. There are two main forms of vitamin D: Vitamin D3contained in animal foods like fat fish and egg yolks. The other form is vitamin D2 contained in vegetable foods such as fungi and yeast.
What is the vitamin D3 dosage?
Most healthy people need 400-800 IE Vitamin D. However, many studies show that a higher supply is associated with health benefits. The studies suggest that a daily intake of 1,000-4,000 IE Vitamin D is ideal for most people to achieve a healthy vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D3 Dosage 5000 IU Weekly
Vitamin D3 5000 IE is a high-dose supplement that contributes to the treatment of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency occurs when people do not receive the required amount of vitamin D by sunlight or diet. This is often the case because people who spend most of the time in closed rooms or living in a northern climate, rarely exposed to sunlight. In addition, very few foods contain nature from vitamin D. Vitamin D3 + K2 20000L.e Vitamin D3 and K2 are an excellent combination that ensures that calcium can be reached and easily absorbed the bone mass, while preventing arterial calcification. It contributes to the preservation of bones and heart health, while D3 supports the muscle function and a healthy immune system.
Advantages of vitamin D for skin health
Vitamin D not only plays a role in the preservation of bone health, but also helps with the preservation of skin health.
Nutritionists recommend taking vitamin D especially in dandruff lichen. Vitamin D supplementation is an additional treatment option for psoriasis patients. In addition, taking vitamin D may be important to protect against hypertension, comorbody and metabolic syndrome in connection with psoriasis.
Dry or itchy skin
Strong dry or itchy skin can be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency. The intake of the required amount of vitamin D can improve the symptoms of skin diseases that lead to dry, itchy skin.
Atopic dermatitis
Vitamin D can contribute to improving the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. A study shows that vitamin D supplementation can help reduce the severity of the atopic dermatitis, and that it represents a safe and well manageable treatment. However, other studies need to be carried out to examine the long-term effect of treatment.
Vitiligo Vitamin D
A study suggests that high-dose vitamin D therapy can be useful and secure in the treatment of vitiligo. Sixteen patients with low vitamin D levels received six Monthly monthly 35 000 IE, together With a calcium-rich diet, dairy products and a minimum hydration of 2.5 l per day. The result: for fourteen of them there was a 25 to 75 percent repigmentation. However, it is uncertain whether a high-dose vitamin D supplementation for long-term patients is of great benefit.
Vitamin D3 acne
Acne is a widespread skin disease that can be very stressful due to its chronicity for many patients. Although various factors can lead to acne, chronic inflammation is one of the main causes. A study suggests that vitamin D has an immune regulating function in the sebaceous glow cells, which means that vitamin D has an acne-patient anti-inflammatory properties.
The best vitamin D supplements for absorption
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. In combination with low-fat foods Vitamin D is best included in the bloodstream. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin D preparations with the food to improve recording. According to a study, taking vitamin D with the largest meal of the day increased the vitamin D levels in the blood after only 2-3 months by about 50%. In another study with adults over 50 years, taking vitamin D with fatty foods increased the vitamin D levels in the blood after 12 hours by 32% compared to fat-free foods. Eggs, nuts, avocados, seeds and full fat dairy products are all grease sources that promote vitamin D recording.
Weight loss
Vitamin D can help mainly when weight loss on the belly. In addition, calcium and vitamin D can help reduce cortisol production. Cortisol is the stress hormone that causes her abdomen to store fat.
The muscle development of man Vitamin D is very important because it helps develop skeletal muscles. Vitamin D also plays an important role for testosterone levels and the sexual function of the man. A healthy vitamin D levels may also have a positive impact on sexual health because it reduces the risk of heart disease in men.