Was ist Vita - Cholecalciferol

What is Vita - cholecalciferol

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D acts as a hypercalzemic hormone and facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus through the intestine. It has specific positive impact on diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer and cardiovascular risks. Vitamin D is an organic substance without calorie content, which is indispensable for our metabolism and is generally not made by our body. It is fat-soluble (like vitamins A, E and K) and can be stored in the adipose tissue.

Vitamin ergocalciferol or cholecalciferol

It has a double origin: Vitamin D2 or ErgoCalciferol: It is plant origin. It is included in most foods. Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol: Is synthesized in the skin by the action of ultraviolet light on cholesterol. Vitamin D3 is also included in food of animal origin, e.g. B. in fish oils. Vitamin D is related to other hormones of phosphate metabolism and affects the kidneys and the immune system.

What is vitamin D3?

D3 (cholecalciferol) is called "sunshine vitamin" because it is formed in the skin by the action of ultraviolet light. For this purpose, children and adults should stop several times a week for about 15-30 minutes in the sun. However, intensive vitamin D production takes place unhealthy times - from 11:00 to 14:00, if the skin needs protection.

Recording of vitamin D

In addition, the natural intake of the vitamin takes over over the years and people with darker skin take it slower. Sunscreen and unfavorable environmental conditions such. B. air pollution, our perception of the soothing sunbeams can adversely affect. Therefore, not always, not even in the summer months, each can cover each with cholecalciferol.

What is the difference between vitamin D and vitamin D3?

The main difference between vitamin D and D3 is that vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that regulates the calcium and phosphorus household in the body. In contrast, Vitamin D3 is a natural form of vitamin D, which produces the body with the help of sunlight.

Vitamin D are D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5

The five types of vitamin D are D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5. There are two forms of vitamin D supplementation: Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholesterol). Vitamins are organic compounds that the body needed in small amounts. However, they play an important role in metabolism.

Difference between vitamin D and D3

Vitamin D is fat-soluble and an essential micronutrient regulating the calcium and phosphorus household in the body. The main difference between vitamin D and D3 is that vitamin D3 is a subform of vitamin D formed by the skin in solar radiation. However, these vitamins can also be taken in the form of dietary supplements.

Difference 1: Food

The production of vitamin D3 is mainly stimulated by the sunlight on the skin. In addition, vitamin D3 can also be included above the food. Vitamin D3 is mainly included in animal products. The food containing the most vitamin D3 includes:
  • Fat fish like salmon, mackerel or herring.
  • egg yolk
  • meat
  • Hears such as liver and kidneys
In addition, there are also vitamin D3, which is obtained from plants, among other things from certain braiding types. Therefore, vitamin D3 is also available in vegan form. Vitamin D, on the other hand, which can composed of several vitamin D groups can be obtained from both animal and vegetable products. This is found, as already described, either vitamin D3 or vitamin D2, which is won purely vegetable. Leader are mushrooms growing in the outdoors and get a lot of sunlight. In addition, some foods are enriched with vitamin D2 or D3. These include, especially dairy products such as yogurt, milk and margarine. But even cereals or juices can additionally contain vitamin D. These products are available especially in the US and the United Kingdom.

Difference 2: taking

But the inclusion of vitamin D can look different. One way is to provide the body over the food with vitamin D. As described above, low doses of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are included in certain foods. In the case of vitamin D3, however, there is another possibility, namely the vitamin D education about the sunlight on the skin. In this context, the 7-dehydrocholesterol existing in one of the skin layers plays an important role. With sufficient sun irradiation of the skin, the 7-dehydrocholesterol is converted by photolysis in cholecalciferol, ie vitamin D3, and included in the body. To accommodate enough vitamin D, often already 15-30 minutes in the sun rang. However, make sure that you do not get sunburn or apply too much sunscreen, as this can inhibit the vitamin D recording. In contrast to other forms of vitamin D, vitamin D3 can be absorbed by sunlight or food as well as dietary supplements. Other vitamin D groups, such. B. Vitamin D2, but can only be supplied via the food or dietary supplements. How Vitamin D is recorded, thus depends heavily on the respective vitamin D group.

Difference 3: Conversion

If you look at how the individual vitamin groups are converted to the body, it is clear that they can be very different. Compared to vitamin D2, vitamin D3 can be transported easier and faster through the blood. That's because Vitamin D3 has a better bond to the transport molecules. Therefore, vitamin D3 is also better transformed than other forms of vitamin D. Looking at the liver in which both vitamin D groups are processed and converted, so it is clear that the organ is better responsive to vitamin D3. The enzymes for the conversion of Vitamin D2 and D3 In vitamin D, vitamin D3 are easier to change than other forms of vitamin D as vitamin D2.

Difference 4: Effectiveness

It is much discussed and researched, especially about the effectiveness of the different vitamin D groups. As part of a study, it was found that the 25 (OH) D-mirror, d. H. The calcidiol mirror, can be increased more strongly by vitamin D3 than by vitamin D2, which means that there is no equivalence between the two vitamin D groups. A study conducted by the British University of Surrey came to a similar result. It showed that a test group that had taken vitamin D3 achieved a significantly higher increase in the vitamin D mirror than the group that had received vitamin D2.

Vitamin D mirror

In addition, the vitamin D levels in the blood of the vitamin D2 subjects was only half as high as the Vitamin D3 group. The higher effectiveness is likely to be related to the fact that vitamin D3 is easily absorbed and transported into the blood. In addition, vitamin D3 may work longer than other vitamin D groups because it is not excreted so quickly. We can Vitamin D3 20000 and offer higher Vitamin D3 30000
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