Which foods contain vitamin D
Which foods contain vitamin D
Which foods contain vitamin D: Ranking of the most important sources
According to the US Department of Agriculture, a portion of fatty fish contains about 100 grams of 526 ies (international units) Vitamin D. That's 66% of the daily needs. Much depends on where the salmon has been raised. Fish prisoners prisoners contains up to 988 ie vitamin D per serving, and some studies claim that this value is even at 1,300 ies. In captivity of bred salmon, 25% can supply fewer nutrients, but on average provides a portion of 250 IE Vitamin D, which is 32% of the daily needs.
Sardines and other fat fish
Sardine preserves are a good source for the "sunshine vitamin". One portion of a hundred gram contains 177 ie the nutrient, which corresponds to 22% of the daily requirement. Other types of healthy oil-containing fish are worth being absorbed in their diet when they spend a lot of time in closed rooms. A serving of halibut or mackerel, for example, provides about 360-390 ies Vitamin D .
Hering is not just cooked in oil. He can also be in cans, smoked and filed. A fresh, natural atlantic industry provides 216 ie vitamin D per serving, which corresponds to 27% of the recommended daily dose. If they prefer a prehistoric fish, this supplies about 14% of the required amount Vitamin D - A serving contains 112 ies. Remember that this type of preparation adds a lot of salt to the fish, which can have a negative impact on health.
Tuna in cans
This fish is often added to soups and salads. Tuna in doses is easy to store, you can easily prepare a dinner without requiring a long heat treatment. In addition, tuna is much cheaper in this form than fresh tuna. Tuna in cans contains 268 IE vitamin D per 100 grams, What is 34% of the daily requirement. In addition, tuna in doses is an excellent Vitamin K source. Doctors, however, point out that the product can contain traces of mercury and other toxins, which, when enriching in the body, cause health problems. They were found in many fish grades, so you should not eat tuna preserves daily.
The fat of this fish is used for the prevention of vitamin D deficiency in children. A teaspoon liver tran contains 448 ie this substance, which corresponds to 56% of the recommended daily dose. In addition, this fat is rich Omega-3 and Vitamin A - about 150% DES daily requirement of 5 ml. Remember that large quantities of this vitamin can be toxic so that you should not consume liver drug too often.
egg yolk
Seafood are the most important, but not the only source of vitamin D. Whole eggs are equal to this as they are very nutritious. Useful substances and minerals are mainly included in the egg yolk: one to 5% of the daily standard of the "solar dustamin". The amount of vitamin D depends mainly from the time the chicken spent in the sun, and the quality of the grain it was fed. Eggs from soil attitude have a three to four times higher nutrient content.
Vitamin D is formed in mushrooms by the action of ultraviolet light [13]. They belong to the vegetable food with high vitamine content without additional artificial enrichment. Mushrooms have a high D2 content, while z. B. Fish has a high D3 content. D2 contributes to increasing the vitamin mirror in the blood, but is less effective than D3 [14]. Some Mushroom types contain up to 2,300 ies In a hundred-gram portion, which is almost a multiple of the daily requirement. However, most products purchased in the store are bred in the dark and have a much lower health benefit. Some producers treat mushrooms with ultraviolet light, giving them about 130-450 ie vitamin D2 per serving.
If you need more vitamin D, you can Vitamin D 30000 and Vitamin D 20000 Use as a dietary supplement if you can not absorb vitamin D over the food.
Vitamin D2
Vitamin D is a group of nutrients, of which the most famous cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). The first is formed by the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and taken up with the food. The second is only included in the food.
Unfortunately, a large number of people with this micronutrient is undersourored. The results of a large-scale study, the 2016 at the Cork Center for Vitamin DCollege Cork (Ireland), conducted by Professor KD Cashman, show that 40.4% of the population in European countries have a lack of vitamin D in blood serum. And at 13% of people, there is a pronounced lack of this micronutrient, which carries a high risk of clinical manifestations. This is due to the fact that most of the European population lives in a small sunlight zone.
In view of the data obtained, the question of the intake of "solar evitamine" is relevant to the food. Everyone knows that in food containing fish oil contains a lot of vitamin D, but also in mushrooms, eggs, meat, dairy products and vegetable foodstuffs is to be found. This article examines which Food Vitamin D included, which should be included in the diet, and a list of winners is created in the vitamin D salary.
Benefits for the body
The main function of Vitamin D is the participation in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. It ensures normal growth of the bone tissue, prevents the occurrence of rickitis and osteoporosis and is responsible for the strength of teeth and nails.
Latest scientific data prove the significant effect of vitamin D on the functioning of the immune system and increasing the body's protective functions, which is particularly important in the time of colds and viral diseases. Calciferol improves cognitive functions, helps with nervous and mental disorders, relieves the course of autoimmune diseases (psoriasis) and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Health benefits: What is it good for?
Vitamin D3 is at the Calcification involved by having the necessary in the first months of life Binding of calcium enabled; It is therefore essential for the normal development of the skeleton. It is the anti-Rachitis vitamin par excellence. It also helps to maintain a normal calcium and phosphor mirror in the blood taken over the intestine. It plays a role in maintaining skeletal muscles and promotes bone strength. His absence leads to a disturbance of the calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
The lack of vitamin D3 is the cause of different bone disorders, especially for osteoporosis. A vitamin D3 deficiency (blood levels below 5 μg / day) leads with children to rickets (Deformation of the skeleton) and adults Osteomalacia (Missing mineralization of the bones that soften softly, resulting in the pelvic area and complaints while walking) and thus the risk of bone breaks. But that's not all! The program is the risk of hyperparathyroidism, liver failure and liver cirrhosis.
Normal value: How much a day?
The cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D is a good source of supply for adults that eat healthy and are regularly active outdoors. For children, the administration of vitamin D is systematically. In some countries, milk and infant food are Vitamin D enriched. At high doses (1000 micrograms / day) toxic effects are observed: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Advice on nutritional counselors
Pay attention to a diet Vitamin-D3-rich food How fat fish to avoid bone problems in adulthood. And go to the sun, but not without protection!