Daily requirement Vitamin D
Vitamin D3 daily needs
Around Vitamin D3 To activate, the body must perform two hydroxylations of vitamin D3, due to solar radiation, nutrition and nutritional supplement. Calcidiol is the product of the first hydroxylation of Vitamin D3 in the liver. 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 [1.25 (OH) 2D], commonly referred to as calcitriol, is the result of the second hydroxylation in the kidneys.
Anti-inflammation vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 not only acts anti-inflammatory, but also modulates cell development, neuromuscular and immunological activity and glucose metabolism in the human body. Recommendations for nutrient supply Average daily intake sufficient to supply almost all healthy people (97-98%); is often used to plan the food intake for individuals.
In addition, vitamin D3 can play a role in different other body functions. The England Journal of Medicine published an article in January 2019 and a randomized study in August 2019. The researchers examined whether sufficient supply of vitamin D3 can help to avoid serious health problems such as cancer, heart problems and diabetes.
Vitamin D3 is
Vitamin D3 is a nutrient that has drawn the scientific world and the public in his spell, although there is no conclusive evidence for many of its health-related claims. A study published in May 2018 in the journal Nutrients, revealed that the number of study titles with the term "Vitamin D3 supplementation"On PubMed between 2003 and 2017 has increased more than 15 times.
Calcium recording Vitamin D3
The calcium intake in the DArm is through vitamin D3 supported for its role in bone development. The vitamin does not only affect anti-inflammatory, but also plays an important role in the growth and development of cells and the immune reaction. According to the National Institutes of Health, you can absorb vitamin D3 about the sun, the food and dietary supplements.
How much of the sun's priority do you need to get a healthy body, how scientists have figured out? It has been shown that the vitamin D3 dosage is not the same for everyone. A variety of features, including age, gender, breed and region, can influence the recommended daily dose.
Vitamin D3 recommendations for infants
According to the centers for disease control and prevention centers, it is recommended that infants receive 400 ie vitamin D3 per day, which corresponds to 10 MCG (CDC). According to a Article published in October 2015 in the journal Pediatrics, the breast milk contains 5 to 80 ies per liter. Therefore, it is important that your baby gets enough sunlight or gets a vitamin D3 supplement over the diet. The CDC warns that Rachitis, a relatively rare disease relatively rare in Western countries, can be caused by a lack of vitamin D3 due to a lack of developmental delays.
Vitamin D3 recommendations for children and adolescents
In contrast to the RDA of 600 IU (15 MCG) for children and adolescents (3), observations suggest that higher volumes of vitamin D3 can prevent the emergence of vitamin deficiency in children and adolescents. Inquire with your family doctor if your child or adolescent needs more vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 Recommendations for Adults
Many factors can influence their optimal daily dose (RDA) to vitamin D3, eg. B. your age, your gender and your general state of health. Let yourself be advised by a doctor to control your value.
Vitamin D3 recommendations for the elderly
People over 70 years need to take 800 ies a day to reach the RDA. According to Robin Foroutan, RDN, Integrated Nutritionist on the Morrison Center in New York City and Speaker for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the body can synthesize, absorb, and digest the body with increasing old vitamin D3. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, these factors can increase the risk of osteoporosis (bone disorders) and associated health problems.
Daily requirement Vitamin D - What is Vitamin D good?
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with many diseases we are affected today and is associated with skin cancer. It may seem contrabinature that now, where we protect ourselves more in front of the sun, skin cancer occurs more frequently.
The melanoma, ie the skin cancer, is not reduced by sun protection, on the contrary, there are numerous studies on this topic. These studies argue that the tanning is too necessary to prevent them.
It is true that the sun gets much more direct to us in the event of pollution. But that does not mean we should hide in front of her. We also need to remember that many sunscreen products contain toxic ingredients that should be avoided. Some of them have been associated with cancer. We can choose natural blockers with zinc oxide.
Our immune system suffers when we have a lack of vitamin D, and it is also responsible for various neurological diseases.
How much vitamin D do we need?
The ideal value is between 60 and 80. If our mirror is below 50, we must increase it to avoid a lack that can lead to other problems.
To know how high our vitamin D mirror is, you can just make a routine blood test. In addition, we ensure that our values for other vitamins are also the ideal area, and if we do not do anything about it.
What can we do to increase our vitamin D levels?
Vitamin D does not have to be supplemented, it's easy to stop in the sun. If we have a very low vitamin D mirror and have to refill it quickly, we can help with a supplement that we always have to take with vitamin K2. Take Vitamin D3 with K2, never alone and in exactly this amount, until our vitamin D mirror increases; At this time, it is ideal to cancel the addition of the supplement and to get the vitamin D only by sunbathing and proper diet.
If we take vitamin D without k2, we avoid calcium in the bone, and it can therefore lead to a calcium deficiency. Therefore, always take vitamin D3 with K2.
We should never lift our vitamin D levels over 100 because it can be toxic. Therefore, it is important to have a very acute defect and not to supplement or refill so much that our values rise.