Die Vorteile von Vitamin D3 - Vitamin d3 vorteile

The advantages of vitamin D3 - vitamin D3 advantages

Vitamin D3 advantages

 Almost 80 % of the western population and almost all older people have one Vitamin D deficiency. In a report from 2012, the French Academy for Medicine recommended that the daily vitamin D intake increase in order to underline the importance of this vitamin.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is fat -soluble, which means that it dissolves in fat. It exists in two forms:
  • Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, is synthesized by plants and mushrooms.
  • Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is produced by animals. In this form we form Vitamin D in the dermis of our skin under the influence of the UVB rays of the sun. Vitamin D3 is then converted in the liver and kidneys to become active, and to be saved in the muscles, the liver and adipose tissue.

Vitamin D3: What is it used for?

Vitamin D3 plays an important role in calcification by enabling the correct calcium intake in the intestinal mucosa and increasing the calcium and phosphorus concentration in the blood. It favors the binding of calcium in the bones and contributes to a good mineralization of the skeleton, the joints and bit. The nerve transmission and muscle contraction also depend on calcium and thus vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is also an ally of our immune system. In winter, the body's own vitamin D3 supplies decrease with the amount of sunlight.

Where is vitamin D3 - Vitamin D3 advantages?

Vitamin D3 is essentially synthesized by the skin, but is also contained to a limited extent in certain foods:
  • Fatfish like mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, sardines, eel, trout;
  • Oysters and dorsschleber;
  • Insights, egg yolk, butter, milk or certain types of cheeses.
Consult the table with the nutrient composition of the ASES foods.

When should you take vitamin D3?

In France, the national nutrition and health study from 2006-2007 shows that 79 % of men and 81 % of women have a vitamin D level in the blood that is below the optimal value. Regardless of age, taking vitamin D is essential. According to the ANSEs, infants, older people and pregnant women are most threatened by a vitamin D deficiency. Your nutritional supplement must be monitored by a doctor. Vitamin D3 can also be taken to support the functioning of the immune system or to maintain the bones, especially in winter.

Why does the body need vitamin D?

Vitamin D3 is involved in many metabolic processes. It has long been known that it promotes calcium intake from the digestive tract and the hardening of the bones. It also regulates calcium and phosphate metabolism and affects muscle strength. In recent years, scientists have shown in various studies that vitamin D receptors are present in 30 different tissue types and organs. This includes, for example, hormone -producing organs such as the thyroid gland. In addition, vitamin D plays a regulating role in the immune system. From this it can be derived that vitamin D3 has a wide range of tasks and is therefore involved in our health in a variety of ways. There are now many studies worldwide Vitamin D3 and the vitamin D requirement. These initially led the recommended values ​​to be increased. By 2012, the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) considered 5 µg daily to be sufficient, today the recommended supply is 20 micrograms daily. Only a tiny part of it can be recorded via the usual foods. In children, it is 1 to 2 µg, in adolescents and adults 2 to 4 µg per day.

Properties of vitamin D3?

When vitamin D3 is broken down in the body, it contributes to the production of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. In this way it protects the bones from broken bones and osteoporosis. Also improved Vitamin D3 According to the Mayo Clinic, the mood, increases the energy level, strengthens the muscles, has anti-cancer effects, etc.

Where can vitamin D3 be found?

D3 is only contained in a few foods that are exclusively of animal origin. The most important Vitamin D3 In our diet, fish (e.g. salmon and trout) and eggs (with their egg yolk) are. It should be pointed out that certain products (especially dairy products, grain, juices and bread) are enriched with quantities of vitamin D during the production process.

Vitamin D: health problems caused by its deficiency

The most serious complications of a vitamin D deficiency are:
  • Low calcium and phosphorus values ​​in the blood
  • Low blood sugar levels and low blood pressure
  • Increased incidence of falls and associated fractures
In addition, a lack of this valuable vitamin was associated with an increased risk of infestant diseases:
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Diabetes mellitus (both type 1 and type 2)
  • Several types of cancer (especially colon cancer)
  • Heart disease
  • Psychiatric diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases

Where is vitamin D

The best sources are the meat of fat fish and fish liver oils. Lower quantities are contained in egg yolk, cheese and beef liver. Certain mushrooms contain something Vitamin D2; In addition, some mushrooms available in stores contain higher amounts of D2 because they have been deliberately exposed to high amounts of ultraviolet light.

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