Wozu Vitamin D

Why vitamin D

Why vitamin D?

New article today about: Why vitamin Dthe human body produces Vitamin D Also with the help of ultraviolet light. But it is not always possible to spend a lot of time in the sun, so it is important to know how to fill it up again.

What is vitamin D and why do we need it?

The main task of Vitamin D consists in itto promote the inclusion of calcium and phosphorus. This substance strengthens the bones and supports brain function, which is particularly important for children in the growth phase. A lack of Vitamin D leads to a loss of strength and immunity, susceptibility to colds, dental and bone diseases.

Why vitamin D3

F question Why: Why vitamin D3 - Vitamin D3 is one of the 3 most important supplements for immunity. It is an essential part of healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Important for hair, skin, heart, good mood, sleep and hormone balance.

In all other sources, the advantages of vitamin D are written, but in reality it is not about the advantages that we have by taking vitamin D, but about the removal of the damage caused by his lack or inadequacy in the body. Therefore, we start this article with a description of the defect, its causes, symptoms and consequences. Finally, we will deal with which values ​​are required to avoid a vitamin D deficiency, how to increase it and which foods best help,for what d3.


How much vitamin D do you need- why vitamin D3?

How much Vitamin D You need, depends on many factors. This includes age, the breed, the season, the time in the sun, clothing and much more. The average daily dose of 400-800 IE, d. H. 10-20 micrograms is based on the recommendations of the U.S. Institutes of Medicine sufficient for 97.5 % of people. However, some studies have shown that the daily dose should be higher if they rarely stay outdoors. For healthy people there are recommendations in the range of 1120-1680 IE. At the same time, patients with deficiency symptoms are prescribed up to 5,000 IE. Even overweight or obese people may need more Vitamin D. In any case, you should not take vitamin without a prescription.

What causes a vitamin D deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency occurs above all in people who are not exposed to enough sunlight and who lack food. In addition, a vitamin D deficiency can be caused by gastrointestinal diseases, liver and kidney diseases. In general there are several groups of people who are too Vitamin D deficiency tend.
  • People who move little outdoors, such as older people who spend a long time in closed rooms, employees who work in closed rooms, night shifts, freaks, etc.
  • Vegetarians, celiac patients
  • Medicines such as B. certain antiepileptics

What is vitamin D3 for?

10 reasons for taking Vitamin D
  1. The sunshine vitamin D contributes to maintaining the body's immunity (also read: strengthen your immunity in autumn!).
  2. A deficiency is associated with psoriasis and polysclerosis and increases the risk of infections.
  3. A deficiency increases the likelihood of developing respiratory diseases.
  4. Protective effect against certain types of cancer and diabetes.
  5. Supports recovery in vascular diseases.
  6. Helps with the prevention of osteoporosis, reduces bone fatigue fractures and bone deviation.
  7. A higher Vitamin D requirement Have older people, children, overweight people, dieters and vegetarians.
  8. In the dark it is not possible to get enough vitamin D in a natural way.
  9. A one-week trip to a warm place does not contribute to maintaining the vitamin D level.
  10. With vitamin D you cannot rely on a varied, healthy diet alone.

The advantages of vitamin D and for what it is needed for

Calciferol is considered a vitamin for women's health. In fact, it is important for women. After all, its consumption and other vitamins are generally much higher than in men. This is due to the special features of the female body and its functions: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and menopause. Therefore, the need for vitamin D3 and D2 can increase at different times of life. The main thing is, however, that women maintain an appropriate amount of calciferol and neither allow a defect nor a surplus.
  • Responsible for the content of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the muscle skeleton tissue (bones, joints, muscles, teeth).
  • Important for the musculoskeletal system, including a correct posture that forms before the age of 20.
  • Controls the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the hormone system and the nervous system. In particular, it supports the level of innate immunity; It acts as a hormone (D-hormone) that regulates the carbohydrate metabolism. H. It is in direct connection with questions of weight loss. It is therefore necessary for the right metabolism and maintaining an optimal body weight.
  • Regulates more than 200 genes.
  • It has an anti -inflammatory, antitumor and immunomodulatory effect, slows down the aging process and donates energy.
  • It promotes conception, maintaining pregnancy and the normal growth of the fetus. It is extremely necessary during pregnancy because it influences the formation of immunity and bone tissue of the fetus.
  • Regenerates the women's body after birth, corrects the condition during the PMS.
  • Good effect on vision, concentration and memory.
  • Ensures normal growth and normal development of the bones and prevents the development of mineral metabolism, the development of rachitis and osteoporosis;
  • Promotes the muscle tone, strengthens the immune system, is necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and normal blood clotting;
  • Helps the body to restore the protective cover for the nerves;
  • Is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate;
  • Prevents the growth of cancer and cells.

Sources for vitamin D

Vitamin D was discovered about 100 years ago in search of food that are required to combat inadequate supply of bones and teeth with calcium and phosphorus. Taking fish oil, which contains a lot of vitamin A, has proven to be advantageous. When neutralizing this vitamin, however, the fish oil retained its properties, which made the researchers concluded that it also contains other vital substances. As a result, the discovered vitamin was named after the fourth letter of the Latin alphabet - D. But fish was not available everywhere in sufficient quantities and the organization of the industrial release of fish oil took time. So research continued. Soon it was found that the positive properties of certain foods are strengthened if they are exposed to ultraviolets rays. It has also been proven that vitamin D can be synthesized by living cells if they are exposed to sunlight. The second wave of vitamin D research began in the 1980s. In the meantime, experts primarily call fat fish and dairy products as well as animal by -products as their food sources.
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