Melatonin und der Einfluss von Licht auf den Schlaf: So vermeiden Sie Schlafstörungen durch Bildschirmlicht

Melatonin and the influence of light on sleep: This is how you avoid sleep disorders through screen lights

Melatonin and the influence of light: How to improve your sleep cycle

A Cozy Bedroom at Night with Low Ambient Lighting and Blackout Curtains, Promoting Tranquility and Relaxation.

Melatonin and the influence of light on sleep

Melatonin is a crucial hormone when it comes to promoting sleep. The production of this "sleep hormone" is significantly influenced by light - both by natural and artificial. The blue light that is broadcast by screens in particular can sensitively disrupt the sleep-wake cycle. Studies show that exposure to electrical light between twilight and bed time in particular artificially shortens melatonin production.

You may be wondering how you can improve your sleep quality in the face of these challenges. There are several approaches:

  • Use of blackout curtains: These help to darken your bedroom and thus support the nightly melatonin production.
  • Reduction of screen time before going to bed: Avoid looking at screens until late at night.
  • Adaptation of the brightness of your devices: Reduce the brightness of your smartphone or computer in the evening.
  • Use of sleep masks: These can help to hide unwanted light.

In order to deepen your understanding of the connection between melatonin and light and how the resulting sleep disorders can be avoided, offers A number of products and information. No matter if you are for Melatonin supplementary interested in different doses like Melatonin 10mg, Melatonin 5mg or Melatonin 2mg are available, or natural solutions such as Ashwagandha with melatonin Prefer - there are many ways to improve your sleep cycle.

By following these tips and possibly even experimenting with melatonin supplements, you can find a way that meets your individual needs and significantly improves your sleep quality.

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