Vitamin D3 for children
Vitamin D for children
Vitamin D is a unique vitamin because it is not like other vitamins in most foods. It is commonly known as sunshine vitamin because the human body produces vitamin D in response to sunlight. Vitamin D is available in two forms: Vitamin D2 and D3. Vitamin D2 is included in vegetable foods such as green leafy vegetables, while vitamin D3 occurs in foods originating from animals. In the human body, vitamin D3 increases the vitamin D levels in the blood and affects more than 2000 genes in the body. For children, vitamin D3 is the most important nutrient as it contributes to development, growth and well-being of children. Here are the reasons why Vitamin D3 is so important for children. Children is recommended to take 200 IE Vitamin D every day. The Panel of the Institute of Medicine justified this recommendation with the required amount of vitamin D for protection against the critical disease of Rachitis in infants.
Strength of the bones
Phosphorus and calcium are the most important nutrients for better bone density, a strong skeletal system and strong teeth. Without vitamin D, the body can not absorb phosphorus and calcium. Phosphorus and calcium defects in children can lead to rachitis, a serious illness, in which the bones of the child are weak and the legs appear curved.
Improvement of immunity
In the human body, vitamin D acts like a hormone that strengthens the immunity that regulates cell functions and prevents various diseases. A study from 2006 also has shown that vitamin D protects against various viruses such as respiratory viruses and flu. Therefore, vitamin D is particularly important in the age of Covid.
Prevention of critical diseases
Show some research results, that vitamin D can protect from various critical diseases such as cancer, heart disease and prostate tumors. However, there is not enough evidence to prove this. However, studies show that children suffering from critical diseases have a lower vitamin D levels in their body.
Weight management
In children, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to unhealthy weight gain. Obesity is widespread today, and vitamin D deficiency is more likely to be found in obese children. A heavy vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of metabolic diseases.
Improvement of the mood
Vitamin D has a significant impact on the mood. So children who spend a lot of time in the sun are better in a mood as children who are not enough outdoors. In addition, vitamin D helps in the control of depression in conjunction with clinical treatment.
The meaning of vitamin D3 for children
Vitamin D is vital for children; Unfortunately, there are only a few vitamin D resources. In addition, children's activities are reduced to a minimum due to Covid. Therefore, vitamin D3 foods on animal base are the best way to prevent diseases caused by vitamin D3 deficiency. Vitamin D3 Also included in yogurt, egg yolk, fat fish, milk etc. In addition, certain nutritious drinks contain vitamin D3. So if you buy a healthy drink for your child, make sure it contains vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 dose for toddlers
Vitamin D contributes to strengthening the bones of infants. It also supports the healing of the bones after surgery or injury. Vitamin D plays an important role for the general well-being of the child. Infants under one year receive 400 ie Vitamin D. Infant food contains 400 ies per liter, d. H. Infants require at least 32 ounces of food per day to sufficient Vitamin D to obtain. If you feed your baby with breast milk or get it less than 32 ounces of food a day, you should ask your doctor if you should give your baby vitamin D preparations. Children over a year should receive 600 ies or more vitamin D daily. Some children may need more vitamin D, z. B. Children who:
- Resting from a bone surgery, z. B. a stiffening operation for scoliosis
- suffering from medical problems such as mucovic acidosis, obesity, celiac disease, bone breaks or bone pain
- Take medications that block the body's ability to use vitamin D
Calcium is a main nutrient for strong bones; Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium. In contrast to vitamin D, children can accommodate the required calcium over the food. The calcium-rich food includes cheese, milk, yogurt or enriched foods such as bread, cereals or juices.