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Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IU 3x365 tablets: Source of health of futures nutrition - vitamin D3 K2

Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IU 3x365 tablets: Source of health of futures nutrition - vitamin D3 K2

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1. The meaning of vitamin D3 and K2 for health

Vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 play an important role in human health. Both vitamins are crucial for different body functions and contribute significantly to general health.

Advantages of vitamin D3:

  • Regulation of calcium levels: Vitamin D3 helps with the absorption of calcium in the intestine, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth.
  • Support of the immune system: It strengthens the immune system and can help ward off infections.
  • Promotion of muscle health: By supporting muscle function, it can prevent muscle weakness and pain.

Advantages of vitamin K2:

  • Calcium exploitation: Vitamin K2 plays a key role in the distribution of calcium in the body, ensuring that calcium arrives in the bones and is not deposited in the arteries.
  • Bone health: It supports the formation and preservation of healthy bones by activating osteocalcin, a protein that binds calcium in the bones.
  • Cardiovascular health: By preventing the calcification of the arteries, vitamin K2 contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system.

2. Why you should choose Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets from Futures Nutrition

Future's nutrition is a trustworthy brand that specializes in high -quality nutritional supplements. Here are some reasons why Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets of Future's Nutrition are an excellent choice for your health:

Trustworthy brand for nutritional supplements

  • Experience and expertise: Future's nutrition has years of experience in the production of nutritional supplements. The brand is known for its strict quality controls and its commitment to the health and security of consumers.
  • Customer satisfaction: Numerous positive customer reviews and testimonials confirm the effectiveness and quality of the products from Futures Nutrition. The brand enjoys a high degree of trust in its users.

Quality features of the product

  • Highly dosed: Each tablet contains 4000 IE vitamin D3, which corresponds to effective dosage in order to cover daily needs and prevent deficiency symptoms.
  • Synergist formula: The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 maximizes the health benefits by promoting calcium and at the same time preventing calcium deposits in the arteries.
  • Purity and security: The product is free of artificial additives, preservatives and allergens. It is manufactured under strict GMP guidelines (Good Manufacturing Practice) to ensure maximum purity and security.

Make these characteristics Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets From Future's Nutrition to a reliable choice for your daily health care.

3. The unique formula of vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets and their advantages

Understand the synergistic relationship between vitamin D3 and K2

Vitamin D3 and K2 work together to promote health. Vitamin D3 increases calcium intake in the intestine, while vitamin K2 ensures that this calcium is effectively guided into the bones and is not deposited in the arteries.

Regulation of calcium and phosphorus intake in the body by vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 plays a central role in regulating calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are essential for bone health. By increasing calcium intake in the intestine, vitamin D3 supports the maintenance of a healthy mineral budget.

Support for bone and dental health through vitamin D3 and K2

The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 is particularly important for strong bones and healthy teeth. While vitamin D3 promotes calcium intake, vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium gets where it is needed - in the bones and teeth.

The role of vitamin D3 and K2 in strengthening the immune system

Both vitamins support the immune system. Vitamin D3 has antimicrobial properties and contributes to the defense against infections. At the same time, vitamin K2 helps to regulate inflammatory processes, which leads to a better immune response.

Importance of vitamin K2 for blood clotting, wound healing and cardiovascular protection

Vitamin K2 is essential for normal blood clotting and plays an important role in wound healing. It is also known for its protective effects on the cardiovascular system by preventing calcium from being deposited in the arteries, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

This unique formula maximizes the advantages of both vitamins to comprehensively support their health.

4. Is there a risk of a lack of vitamin D3 and K2?

A Lack of vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 is widespread and can have serious health consequences.

Frequent causes of a deficiency

  • Low sunlight: Vitamin D3 is mainly produced by sunlight on the skin. Little sunlight, especially in the winter months or in people who spend a lot of time inside, can lead to a deficiency.
  • Nutrition: An unbalanced diet that is poor in fat -soluble vitamins can lead to a lack of both vitamins.
  • Old: With increasing age, skin's ability drops to synthesize vitamin D3. At the same time, vitamin K2 production also decreases.
  • Health states: Certain health states such as kidney disease or digestive disorders can affect the intake or synthesis of this vitamins.

Effects of a lack of

  • Bone health: A lack of vitamin D3 leads to poor calcium intake, which can result in osteoporosis and fractures. Vitamin K2 deficiency tightens these problems because it plays a role in the correct distribution of calcium in the body.
  • immune system: Inadequate vitamin D3 levels can weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to infections.
  • Heart health: A lack of vitamin K2 increases the risk of vascular calcification, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases.
  • Blood clotting: Vitamin K2 is essential for blood clotting and wound healing. A deficit can lead to extended bleeding and poor wound healing.

Regular checks The vitamin levels and targeted supplementation can help minimize these risks.

5. The meaning of the combined intake of vitamin D3 and K2 preparations

Synergy effect of vitamin D3 and K2

Vitamin D3 and K2 have a synergistic effect, which means that their combined intake is far more effective than the isolated intake of each vitamins. Vitamin D3 promotes the intake of calcium in the intestine, while vitamin K2 ensures that the recorded calcium gets into the bones and is not deposited in the arteries.

Reasons for the combined intake

  • Calcium regulation: Vitamin D3 increases calcium intake from food, but without sufficient vitamin K2, this calcium can be deposited in soft tissues such as arteries.
  • Bone health: Both vitamins work together to ensure optimal bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Cardiovascular health: Vitamin K2 prevents the arteries from calculating by passing on excess calcium to the bones.

Optimal dosage recommendation

For an effective synergy, a daily dosage of:

  • Vitamin D3: 4000 IE (international units)
  • Vitamin K2: Depending on the product formula, it varies, but a common dosage is 100-200 micrograms.

This combination ensures that you can pull the maximum health benefit from both vitamins.

6. How to get the best out of vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets

Correct use of vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets is crucial to achieve the best health benefits. The correct dosage for daily needs helps to maintain the balance in the body and avoid overdosing.

Dosage recommendations

  • Daily intake: One tablet a day is usually sufficient. This dosage delivers 4000 IE vitamin D3 and an appropriate amount of vitamin K2.
  • Consultation of a doctor: The advice of a doctor can be helpful to adapt the dosage, especially in the case of special health conditions or existing deficiency states.

Tips to improve nutrient absorption

  • Take with a high -fat meal: Vitamin D3 is fat -soluble, which means that its absorption is improved by fat. A meal with healthy fats such as avocado, nuts or fish can optimize the recording.
  • Regular intake: Consistency is important for maintaining stable vitamin D3 and K2 levels in the blood.

These practices maximize the effectiveness of the Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets and support optimal health.

7. Are there risks or side effects when using this dietary supplement?

Side effects of vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets can occur if the recommended dosage is exceeded. The potential risks include:

  • Vitamin D overdose: Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness or kidney problems.
  • Vitamin K2 overdose: Can lead to increased blood clotting and increase the risk of blood clots.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking these nutritional supplements:

  • With existing health problems: Especially in kidney diseases or blood clotting disorders.
  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding: To ensure that the intake is harmless.
  • When other drugs are taken: In particular, blood thinners or medication for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.


Vitamin D3 and K2 play an important role in health, especially for strong bones, a strong immune system and the protection of the cardiovascular system. Future's nutrition offers with Vitamin D3 + K2 4000 IE 365 tablets A high -quality product that combines these important nutrients in optimal dosage. These tablets not only support the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, but also promote blood clotting and wound healing. Daily taking this nutritional supplement can make a large contribution to your general well -being.

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